Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am Ahab.

I finally bought my double pedals last night! It's the DW 5000 series and it's smooth as hell. I practised for an hour today till my legs started aching like a bitch. It's kind of weird though, that I can only double pedal properly without my shoes on in the studio, but whereas at home, I need my shoes on to formulate a constant *drrr* sound. Anyway, I managed to come up with afew catchy beats using the double pedals and I'm quite happy about that, hopefully I can make use and showcase them, shall practise again tomorrow. I'll try to nail the Heel-To-Toe technique this time.

I've gotten quite sick of the whole Hardcore and Metal scene lately. The Metal and Hardcore scene in Singapore is so stagnant, all the new bands that are coming out these days sound the same.. and it's really kind of sad. I guess I'm drifting away from that whole Metalcore thing and favoring a new style of music, that whole Progressive Sludge sound. Mastodon man! lol.


Blogger Rachel and Karina said...

RAWR, im bored. i wanna learn how to play DRUMS!

7:57 AM  

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